var MIDDLE_PIC_POS = 1 //计算如何用最短的距离移动到目标 //由于有两种移动方式,向左边移动或者像右边移动,只需要在这两种方式中选择一个小的就行了 ;(function($){ var Caroursel = function (caroursel){ var self = this; this.caroursel = caroursel; this.posterList = caroursel.find(".poster-list"); this.posterItems = caroursel.find(".poster-item"); this.firstPosterItem = this.posterItems.first(); this.lastPosterItem = this.posterItems.last(); this.prevBtn = this.caroursel.find(".poster-prev-btn"); this.nextBtn = this.caroursel.find(".poster-next-btn"); this.buttonItems = caroursel.find(".tabBtn"); //每个移动元素的位置索引,用于记录每个元素当前的位置,在每次移动的时候,该数组的值都会发生变化 //数组的下标对应li元素的位置索引 this.curPositions = []; for(var i = 0;i this.curPositions.length) {//移动超过末尾,则位置变成到开头 nextPos = nextPos - this.curPositions.length; }else if (nextPos < 1) {////向左边移动已经移动到开始位置更左边,则位置变成结束 nextPos = this.curPositions.length + nextPos; } this.curPositions[i] = nextPos; } //console.log('after refreshPositions',this.curPositions); this.refreshCss(); }, cal_move_path:function(curPos,desPos,arraySize) { //console.log("begin cal_move_path ",curPos,desPos,arraySize); if(curPos == desPos) return null; //往左边移动 var goRightSteps; var goLeftSteps; var retDirect; var retStep; if(curPos > desPos){ goRightSteps = curPos - desPos; goLeftSteps = desPos + (arraySize - curPos); retDirect = (goRightSteps <= goLeftSteps) ? "right":"left"; return {"direct":retDirect,"step":Math.min(goLeftSteps,goRightSteps)}; } }, //点击位置按钮,根据点击的按钮索引 决定向左还是向右移动[因为只有三个位置,该方法能够仅靠向左或向右就能将 //指定的位置移动到中间] clickPosButtonIndex:function(index){ //console.log('click the index ' + index,'the curPositions is ',this.curPositions); var self = this; if(self.rotateFlag == false) {//目前正在移动等移动结束后才能进入 return; } var curPos = this.curPositions[index]; var retPath = this.cal_move_path(curPos,MIDDLE_PIC_POS,this.curPositions.length); if (retPath == null){ return; } var direct =; var step = retPath.step; self.rotateFlag = false; self.rotateAnimate(direct,step) }, rotateAnimate:function(type,step){ step = step || 1; //console.log('begin rotateAnimate ' + type + "the step is " + step); var that = this; var zIndexArr = []; var speed = that.setting.speed; this.posterItems.each(function(){ var self = $(this); var destPic = null; var curPic = self; for (var i = 0; i < step;++i){ if(type == "left"){// 向左边移动, 下一张图片在自己的右边,所以用next() destPic =; } else{ destPic = curPic.prev().get(0)?curPic.prev():that.lastPosterItem; } curPic = destPic; } var width = destPic.css("width"); var height = destPic.css("height"); var zIndex = destPic.css("zIndex"); var opacity = destPic.css("opacity"); var left = destPic.css("left"); var top = destPic.css("top"); zIndexArr.push(zIndex); self.animate({ "width":width, "height":height, "left":left, "opacity":opacity, "top":top },speed,function(){ that.rotateFlag = true; }); }); this.posterItems.each(function(i){ $(this).css("zIndex",zIndexArr[i]); }); if (type == 'right'){ this.refreshPositions(-step); }else{ this.refreshPositions(step); } }, setFirstPosition:function(){ this.caroursel.css({"width":this.setting.width,"height":this.setting.height}); this.posterList.css({"width":this.setting.width,"height":this.setting.height}); var width = (this.setting.width - this.setting.posterWidth) / 2; this.prevBtn.css({"width":width , "height":this.setting.height,"zIndex":Math.ceil(this.posterItems.size()/2)}); this.nextBtn.css({"width":width , "height":this.setting.height,"zIndex":Math.ceil(this.posterItems.size()/2)}); this.firstPosterItem.css({ "width":this.setting.posterWidth, "height":this.setting.posterHeight, "left":width, "zIndex":Math.ceil(this.posterItems.size()/2), "top":this.setVertialType(this.setting.posterHeight) }); }, setSlicePosition:function(){ var _self = this; var sliceItems = this.posterItems.slice(1), level = Math.floor(this.posterItems.length/2), leftItems = sliceItems.slice(0,level), rightItems = sliceItems.slice(level), posterWidth = this.setting.posterWidth, posterHeight = this.setting.posterHeight, Btnwidth = (this.setting.width - this.setting.posterWidth) / 2, gap = Btnwidth/level, containerWidth = this.setting.width; var i = 1; var leftWidth = posterWidth; var leftHeight = posterHeight; var zLoop1 = level; console.log(leftItems); console.log(rightItems); leftItems.each(function(index,item){ var scale = _self.setting.scale; if(index==1){ scale = scale*scale; } leftWidth = posterWidth * scale; leftHeight = posterHeight*scale; console.log(leftWidth) console.log(leftHeight) $(this).css({ "width":leftWidth, "height":leftHeight, "left": Btnwidth - i*gap, "zIndex":zLoop1--, "opacity":2/(i+1), "top":_self.setVertialType(leftHeight) }); i++; }); var j = level; var zLoop2 = 1; var rightWidth = posterWidth; var rightHeight = posterHeight; rightItems.each(function(index,item){ var scale = _self.setting.scale; if(index==0){ scale = scale*scale; } var rightWidth = posterWidth * scale; var rightHeight = posterHeight*scale; $(this).css({ "width":rightWidth, "height":rightHeight, "left": containerWidth -( Btnwidth - j*gap + rightWidth), "zIndex":zLoop2++, "opacity":2/(j+1), "top":_self.setVertialType(rightHeight) }); j--; }); }, getSetting:function(){ var settting = this.caroursel.attr("data-setting"); if(settting.length > 0){ return $.parseJSON(settting); }else{ return {}; } }, setVertialType:function(height){ var align = this.setting.align; if(align == "top") { return 0 }else if(align == "middle"){ return (this.setting.posterHeight - height) / 2 }else if(align == "bottom"){ return this.setting.posterHeight - height }else { return (this.setting.posterHeight - height) / 2 } } }; Caroursel.init = function (caroursels){ caroursels.each(function(index,item){ new Caroursel($(this)); }) ; }; window["Caroursel"] = Caroursel; })(jQuery);// JavaScript Document